Tájékoztatjuk Önöket, hogy Munkatársaink nyári szabadsága miatt az irodánk 2021.08.09-2021.08.23. napjáig zárva tart.

Ezen időszak alatt Kollégáink kizárólag elektronikus úton, valamint az alábbi ügyeleti telefonszámon lesznek elérhetőek.

A kvantal@kvantal.hu központi email címünket folyamatosan figyelemmel követjük.

Központi iroda ügyeleti telefonszámai:


Kvantál Kft.

Budapest, 2021.08.06.

About us PDF Nyomtatás E-mail

The Kvantal Economic Consultation and Service Ltd. was founded in 1994 and we partially still operate in cooperation with the founding staff. Prior to that our work has been carried out within the framework of Kvantum Bank Ltd. Since its funding our company is on the official Liquidator register.

As an independent liquidation organization we have already been acted in more than 2500 cases, mostly in liquidations, in forced liquidations and lately in bankrutcy proceedings. Throughout our contry-wide activities we have gained significant experiences and we participated in conducting particularly difficult cases, bearing in mind the possibility of reorganization and job retention.
We do our job as a profession as liquidator, and insolvency supervisor, appointed by the court or as economic advisor upon commission. In our company we have economists, lawyers, auditors and colleagues with liquidation and supervisor qualifications and with post-secondary financial and endineering qualifications and we guarantee them continous high-level professional development. We have permanent employed experts and some with occasional contract in cases that require special expertise and their cooperation we can guarantee.

Our company is a member of the National Association of Administrators and Liquidators.